Every biome in Shovel Knight Dig concludes with a duel against a fellow knight. These boss fights are a staple of the series, and Spore Knight is a newcomer who lords over the Mushroom Mines, the game’s first level. Here’s how to defeat the fungal foe.

How to defeat Spore Knight – Phase 1

Since Spore Knight is the game’s first boss, he’s moderately less difficult than his fellow Hexcavators. Still, you can’t be too relaxed here or you will end up losing. The first thing to note is that the battlefield can vary in shape. If there’s a row of spikes along the ceiling, then you need to be extra careful as you bounce off Shroom Knight or the wave of mushrooms he can cast across the screen.

Speaking of attacks, here’s what you need to look out for. Shroom Knight’s primary attack is like a frisbee throw: he send his mushroom hat flying straight out before it returns to his head. Leap over it and you’ll be able to get in a few hits before it flies back. His other attack is the aforementioned mushroom wave. A colorful burst of energy will travel along the ground, leaving a row of mushrooms in its wake. You can bounce off of these before they disappear, but make sure you hurdle over the energy itself so that you don’t take damage.

How to defeat Spore Knight – Phase 2

When his health is half gone, Spore Knight will gain a new attack. He’ll leap into the air and fling some powder: this causes spores to start flitting down from above. These deal damage if they touch you, so be aware of this extra hovering hazard as you deal with the regular attacks.

Spore Knight is the first of six Hexcavators, so you shouldn’t have too tough of a time with him. Just be sure not to get too greedy — you don’t want to start the next level with only a sliver of health left.