Sonic Frontier is a game with several final bosses. This guide shows you how to Beat Knight in Sonic Frontiers, the third final boss.
Knight is the third titan you will have to face in the main Sonic Frontiers adventure. This final boss is found on Chaos Island, and his confrontation happens after collecting 6 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds on the island.
How to reach Knight’s head in Sonic Frontiers?
To climb up to Knight’s head, you must do the following:
- Run while dodging the spikes.
- Wait for him to attack with one arm. Then, move out of the way so it doesn’t hit you.
- When his hand hits the ground, jump to avoid the waves of spikes.
- Quickly run towards his hand and jump onto the rails behind the hand so you can climb towards the titan’s body.
- Climb up the body towards the titan’s head
- Finally, grab the purple Chaos Emerald and transform into Super Sonic.
How to Beat Knight in Sonic Frontiers
Phase 1: Hit the head of the titan Knight
Fly towards Knight’s head and hit him as much as you can with combos, paying attention to his possible attacks that are best dodged so as not to waste time.
Don’t hit his shoulders or body: his real weak point is his head, so focus exclusively on it.
If Sonic Frontiers’ Knight uses his shield to protect himself: you can hit him until you get on top of him. Then there will be a brief sequence where you ride on the shield, and the titan fires missiles at you.
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Phase 2: Damage Knight with his own shield
You can’t directly damage Knight because he will be moving too fast over the crater. So instead, keep an eye out for the shield bounce. It’s the key to progress in the battle.
At this point, you need to stand in the line that Knight’s shield will pass through as it bounces off a wall.
Stand in its path and use Sonic’s block just before the shield hits you to stop it and grab it.
Then, you will be allowed to throw the shield in one direction. Then, quickly target the titan and throw it at him to knock him out.
If you hit Knight in Sonic Frontiers with his shield, he will be stunned and exposed to your attacks for a few moments.
Use the opportunity to charge back and hit his head as hard as possible.
Quick Time Event: finally beat Knight in Sonic Frontiers
You only have to overcome a short Quick Time Event for the rest, so give it everything you’ve got and make him bite the dust!
Sonic Frontiers is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.