Call of Duty Warzone 2 is looming ever closer, and Activision Blizzard realizes that players will have warm and fuzzy feelings for the first Call of Duty battle royale. To cash in on that, the developers have introduced the My Warzone Legacy video that recaps the best highlights from players’ careers. From Snoop Dogg to Godzilla and from claiming the first place to dying horrifically in the fog, it’s all there.

Where to view your My Warzone Legacy stats video

Viewing your video is as simple as one, two, three.

  • Go to the official My Warzone Legacy pageCopy your Activision ID from your profileClick Submit

Players looking for a trip down memory lane will need to jump on this quickly as it goes away on November 30, 2022. And, of course, having played the game for more than a few matches will also help. Warzone 2 launches on November 16, 2022, so players will want to get in their last several dozen matches before then. The anticipated sequel overhauls many original mechanics and looks like a second wind for the popular shooter.

For more Call of Duty goodies, check out Best quickscoping loadout in MW2 on Pro Game Guides.