WorldBox - God Simulator does not explicitly teach how to grow a civilization. However, making sure your civilization can mine is a huge factor in helping it grow.

A civilization constructs mines after it obtains 5 wood and establishes itself. When a village or city has 5 wood, it usually expends it to build a mine if it is near a mountain. All races build these things, Elves, Dwarfs, Humans, and Orcs.

More ores/resources can be obtained from mines, such as stone, iron, and gold. In places where there are few iron deposits or gold deposits, this is especially useful. For a village/city to make a mine, however, wood will still be needed, so they will need to find trees.

Some things to note:

  • Having the Miner trait gives an increased chance of receiving gems from mines.Dwarfs aren’t seen as more or less interested in mining.It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that once civilizations reach a mining location, they will go there first thing, although sometimes it may take a few minutes.By obtaining greater amounts of iron and gold, a village/city is able to upgrade its houses, allowing for a higher population density (more people can live in a single house).

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