The Foundation adds a few hours of Control content.

The first major piece of DLC for Control, a story expansion called The Foundation, picks up immediately where the main campaign left off. Jesse Faden, now the official Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, is sent to the foundation of the Oldest House to investigate an issue that’s causing the Astral Plane to seep into reality, a problem that could spell doom for the Oldest House and the Bureau. The DLC explores not only the physical location of the Foundation, but also the foundation of the Oldest House itself, providing insight into the origins of the strange locale and some of its founding members. The expansion isn’t as long as the base game, but it still provides plenty of extra Control content for those who want it. This is how long it takes to beat the Foundation DLC for Control.

How Long is the Control Foundation DLC?

The Foundation DLC for Control can be finished in around 4 hours. During the 4 hour campaign, you’ll use the new Shape ability to use the environment to your advantage in both combat and puzzle-solving. If you’re looking to extend your playtime by another hour or so, there are a handful of optional side missions that task you with finding collectibles or thrust you into challenging combat encounters.

Priced at $15, The Foundation is a great value for its length. Although it isn’t nearly as long as the base game, The Foundation contains content that is comparable to or even better than the main game in some areas. The new Shape ability opens up several new avenues for combat and exploration, and the story picks up right where it left off. If you’re itching for more Control, then The Foundation DLC is more than worth the asking price.  If you’re on Xbox, though, you’re going to have to wait a little while longer.

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