The Unending Codex is a tool being added to Final Fantasy XIV alongside the Newfound Adventure 6.1 update. Here, you’ll be adding several entries to it as you progress through story missions and interact with crucial characters that you’ll find throughout the Final Fantasy XIV. Here’s what you need to know about how the Unending Codex works in Final Fantasy XIV.
To acquire the Unending Codex, you’ll need to begin the Newfound Adventure quest in The Rising Stones. This quest only becomes available after you’ve worked your way through the Endwalker Main Story Quests (MSQ) in the game. When you do, head to The Rising Stones, and speak with Tataura to begin to adventure. After the first mission, you’ll unlock the Unending Codex.
Essentially, it’s an itemized checklist of all the critical details you’ll want to remember and reference during your Final Fantasy XIV adventure. You can find it underneath the Duty tab, underneath Collections. You’ll be able to search up nearly everything your character finds during your adventure, allowing you to reference characters, events, or story plots, should you ever forget them and require a refresher. You’ll be able to add more to it as events are mentioned, and you meet characters throughout Final Fantasy XIV. These entries contain a mountain of information you flip through at your leisure.