Sifu is a roguelike, so the more you play, the better you will become as you will earn permanent unlocks to your martial arts arsenal. The aging mechanic is one of Sifu’s fundamental core mechanics, and the Death Counter is integral.
What is the Death Counter in Sifu?
Next to your age in the top left corner is a skull, and the number next to this skull is your Death Counter. Every time you die, this counter will increase by one. Simple, right? But every time you die, your age will also increase, and the Death Counter is how many years are added to your age.
Put it this way. If your Death Counter is one, and you are aged 24, you will age by one year and become 25. But if your Death Counter is three, and you are 27, then you will become age 30.
Don’t worry, as when you fight enemies, you can lower your Death Counter by how well you fight. Sometimes just finishing an encounter will lower your Death Counter by one. You can also reset your Death Counter by spending 1000 XP when you find a shrine.
Overall, you want to keep the Death Counter as low as possible, as getting up to five-plus will quicken the time unless it’s a final game over.
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