Add some personality to your character

Minecraft is all about customization and making yourself unique compared to other players in the game. You can do this by creating massive mansions, horse stables, cool looking paths; you name it! Another way you can add some personality to your game is by adding skins to your characters, making yourself stand out from the crowd. Adding skins to your Minecraft PE game is not straightforward, and some players may need help getting this done. The good news is that there is a quick way to successfully add a bunch of skins to your game, and this guide aims to walk you through how to do just that.

Steps to Upload Skins to Minecraft PE

This guide will primarily focus on changing skins for your main character instead of other character models you find in the game. If you want other models to look differently than they usually do, like the minions, you need to search for texture packs built to make that happen. Below are the steps to get skins uploaded to your game for your protagonist.

How to Download

  • Head to the Minecraft Skindex homepage and click on any skin you want to see in your game.
  • Once you have selected a skin, hit the download button on the right-hand side.
  • This will download the PNG file to your device. This skin can now be found in your downloads file.

How to Upload

  • Open Minecraft and click on the profile icon in the game on the right-hand side.
  • This will bring you to the character selection screen, where you need to click “edit character.”
  • The top left will have a tab that you should click on. Under the “owned” section, click on import.
  • Click choose a new skin.
  • A new window will open. Proceed to your downloads folder and select the PNG skin file you downloaded.
  • Click on open to have it load into your game.

There you have it! Now you know how to get different skins into your Minecraft PE game. There are many options on the Skindex website, so have fun with it and mess around until you find your favorite.

Minecraft is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.

  • This article was updated on December 19th, 2022

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