In Apex Legends’ Battle Royale mode, looting is a big part of the game. Even if players like to pretend that they’re only all about fighting, they’re still going to be pumped if they see a gold Level 4 Legendary helmet. Getting high-tier loot is part luck, part planning.

Some of the places you are most likely to find Legendary loot is in sub-locations like Reverie Lounge on Olympus, inside of locked vaults, and as a part of certain Town Takeovers, like Trials and Fight Night. There is also lesser chance in general at high-tier loot POIs like Skyhook. All of that said, another way to find Legendary loot is by hot dropping.

Every game has a special part of the map marked off at random as a Hot Zone. Dropping there will give you better loot, but often multiple teams drop there, so you’ll have to fight for it. The problem was, though, the loot in the Hot Zones wasn’t really worthwhile to players.

Starting in Season 11: Escape, on Nov. 2, however, all Hot Zones will now have more Legendary loot than ever before. This will encourage more teams to drop there, whether you are after the loot, or after the battle. It’s easy to see that whoever comes out on top in a Hot Zone will be able to deck out their squad pretty nicely with Legendary gear, fully-kitted weapons, and some sweet bragging rights.

For more Apex Legends content, check out The Apex Legends Season 11: Escape beach lobby is pure serotonin on Pro Game Guides.