The most unique character of the game

In Hood: Outlaws and Legends, Tooke and his Perks are easily the most unique and interesting of the game, in comparison to the rest of the gang. We have an archer, an assassin, and a tank, so Tooke is seemingly the healer, but not really. While yes, he can indeed heal everyone around him, he is also a mixture of a melee attacker and a crowd control type of class with his very strong gas bombs. Hit kit is rather unique, with both close quarters and mid range attacks and of course his signature heal ability. His Perks further enhance all of these, so let’s see below what are the best picks for the slots he has.

Best Perks for Tooke in Hood: Outlaws and Legends

Perk Slot 1

  • Pastoral Aid

While I don’t really fancy this Perk, due to how “selfish” of a skill it is, it is a great pick for his slot 1, if not the best. Tooke’s gear is a thrown gas ‘grenade’ that if everyone passes through that same gas, is pretty much taken out. Pastoral Aid enables Tooke to pass through that gas without affecting him, complimenting a very aggressive playstyle without hindrance.

Also, you will be able to extract the Chest faster than usual as long as Pastoral Aid is equipped, as a bonus. The drawback is that you capture spawn points slower, but considering how big the benefits he gets are, this is negligible.

Perk Slot 2

  • Suffocating Balm

When Suffocating Balm is enabled, the stamina drain of your gas bombs will be further enhanced. This makes essentially anyone who is within its radius, unable to sprint, block, or do anything that consumes stamina. Combine this with Pastoral Aid, the Perk in Slot 1, you will be able to bypass all of these yourself, easily taking out everyone in sight.

Perk Slot 3

  • Vampiric Bludgeon

As long as you are not up against a John who keeps using his heavy attacks, or a Robin who snipes for a headshot, Vampiric Bludgeon pretty much makes you unkillable in a melee brawl. You unlock this Perk at level 10, considering how good it is, and this enhances Tooke with a leeching effect. When you use a melee attack on someone, a portion of the damage caused heals you. This brings us to what I mentioned in the beginning, that while Tooke is essentially the healer, he is far from just that and easily one of the most interesting classes to use.

Tooke is a blast to play as. You can support your team, cause heavy damage, control spawn points and Chest extracts with your gas bombs and a lot more. While he may lack tools for traversing the field or unlocking pathways, he is great for those that enjoy being in the heart of battle, and a constant threat to the enemy team.

Hood: Outlaws and Legends is available on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. For more related content about the game, feel free to take a look at the rest of our guides right here.


  • This article was updated on May 11th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Hood: Outlaws and Legends – Best Tooke Perks

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