Mount Storm, Canada, is the first location you’ll be heading to for missions in Hitman Sniper: The Shadows. Each mission has a set of optional objectives and requires you to complete them all with no alerts or civilian kills for the highest score. This guide explains how to hit 100% completion in Chapter 1, Contract 1 on your first attempt.

To get 100% completion, you need to kill your target, kill all the guards, score at least 600 points, and make use of the van body disposal and the statue and breaker box accidents for kills.

Step 1: Nab the statue kill

Your first kill should be the guard in the driveway. Shoot the floodlight in front of the statue to draw him over to it, then shoot the feet of the statue to cause it to fall on him.

Step 2: Electrify a guard

Look at the cabin for your next target. Shoot the breaker box to draw the nearby guard over to it, then fire off a second shot to electrify it and kill him.

Step 3: Put the guard in the van

Your third kill, the primary target, should have found the body near the statue by this time. Shoot the van’s door to open it and draw them over to it. Then, get a headshot to fling them into the van and hide their body from view.

Step 4: The second statue

Now it’s time to get another statue kill. The statue towards the top of the map is the one the game wants you to use for the optional objective, so use the breaker box nearby to draw over a guard, then the floodlight in front of the statue to lure the guard to where you need him. Finally, shoot the statue’s feet to get the accidental kill.

Step 5: Blow up the heat lamp

The final kill in this mission is a guard on the upper balcony. While he’s walking around, shoot the heat lamp as he passes through its kill zone to get a final accidental kill for the highest possible score.