Update (August 5)

This Elusive Target mission has been updated for Hitman 3 Year Two, making it feel a little fresher for those players that might have played and replayed it a few too many times in its original form. It’s available from August 5 to 15. Thankfully, the route outline below remains unaffected by the updates, so you can still use it to score a silent assassin rating. It’s also worth noting that even if you’ve already completed this Elusive Target mission, you can play it again every time it returns.

Original article

The Procurers is the first Elusive Target in Season of Gluttony and a brand new one for Hitman 3’s Dartmoor location. In it, Agent 47 is sent to take out a rather gruesome embalmer and chef duo who are doing exactly what you think they are. This guide covers how to take these targets out with a rank of Silent Assassin.

Elusive Target warning

As with all Elusive Targets, you have one chance to complete this mission. Once you start completing objectives, which in this case means killing one of the targets, you can’t restart. However, up until you complete an objective, you can restart the mission. We suggest that you follow our route a few times without killing the targets. This will give you an idea of where the toughest points in the mission are and where you might need to do something different to make your life easier. Then, once you’re comfortable, you can take the mission on for real.

Beginner’s route

This requires no fancy equipment or starting locations. You can pick the game up today and complete the mission using this route because you’ll find everything you need in Dartmoor itself.


The loadout for this route is extremely basic. The only thing you’ll need is the fiber wire, but you could get away without bringing it. The coin is quite useful to have, so bring that at the very least. The suit we’re using is The Profligacy Suit from The Gluttony Gobbling.

Step 1: Access the mansion

The route into the mansion is simple. Vault the wall to the right of the gate from the starting location. Turn right and follow the path across the stream. Work your way through the long grass and vault up onto the front garden. Keeping an eye out for the patrolling guard to your left, sneak across to the front of the mansion so that you can enter through the open window. Make sure you pick up the baseball from the ground as you move forward. Below is a map reference for this window.

Step 2: The chef

Vault in through the window, turn left and go out the door. Turn right and move all the way down the corridor, past the housekeeper. Turn right at the trolley and go all the way down to the kitchen doors. There’s a housekeeper looking over some apples here. You need to close the kitchen doors, knock her out with the baseball, and store her body in the nearby trunk as fast as you can.

Once you’ve done that, wait for your first target to leave the kitchen. You’re not trespassing to him, so you can close the door behind him and kill him quickly with the fiber wire. Store his body in the same container as the housekeeper. Pick up the cigarettes the target dropped before moving on.

Step 3: The set up

The second target requires a lot of preparation. First, use the nearby door to get outside. You need to move around the vehicles in this area to get around the NPCs and into the garden. It’s easier if you use the coin as a distraction. You need to get into the garden, the central fountain. There’s a guard to the left who is always watching the left-hand side, and a gardener to the right. Wait until the gardener moves to the back of the fountain to gran the wrench sitting there.

Below is a map reference for the wrench. Once you have it, head up to the right-hand side of the mansion.

You need to head for the drainpipe to the right of the main windows in the mansion. See below for a map reference.

Climb up and then shimmy to the left. Go into the window that leads to the upper walkway. You need to move around here, get into the next corridor, and then vault out of the window back onto the ledge. From there, you can shimmy left more and get onto the balcony where your second target is inspecting the dead body. Wait until the target leaves and takes his bodyguard with him. When the housekeeper on the balcony is looking away, throw the baseball and subdue her.

Step 4: The second target

Now you must retrieve the baseball and wait. This next part requires timing. You must enter the room as the target leaves, but only when the bodyguard that remains in the room is just walking away to the right. At this point, the housekeeper will start to move from the bed. Subdue the housekeeper, then throw the baseball at the bodyguard’s head.

You only have seconds to do all this in. Hide the housekeeper in the wardrobe, then hide the bodyguard in the secret room by using the book on the bookcase to open the door. Drag the second housekeeper inside and hide her body in the wardrobe too. The next thing to do is to use the wrench to sabotage the heater on the balcony.

Then, place the packet of cigarettes you have on the table next to the door.

Go back out onto the balcony and head to an exit. After a short time, the target will go outside to smoke and blow themselves up. This counts as an accidental kill, so it doesn’t matter that the body will be found. The boat exit might be easiest since it’s closest, but you can also make your way to the bridge or the main road again with the time it takes for the kill to pay off.

Advanced route

This route requires a few items that you’ll need to have unlocked throughout the Hitman 3 campaign. However, it’s a fast Silent Assassin route that’s still a test for even highly skilled players.

The loadout for this route requires you to start on the main road starting location. You’ll need to bring a briefcase with a melee weapon in it, such as an axe or knife. Select the deliveries smuggled item location and put the Kalmer-1 tranquilizer gun there. Your concealed weapon should be the Sieker 1 pistol, which poisons any target it hits. The gear we’ve chosen is the modern sedative syringe, but even a fast-acting sedative item such as the Bubble Queen Gum from The Gluttony Gobbling would work.

Step 1: Get into the mansion

From the starting location, head into the mansion down the main stealth path. Vault the wall and sneak across the stream to get into the grounds. Vault into the front garden and then get into the tall shrubs to the right of the main entrance. There’s an open window here that you can vault into. See below for a map reference for this window.

This window leads you into the mansion. Now head out the closed door to your left, turn right down the hallway and run past the housekeeper. Turn right at the end of the corridor, next to the trolley, and run down to the door to the kitchen. See below for a map reference for this door.

Step 2: Jack Roe

Use the Sieker 1 to shoot your first target, the chef. Now turn around, go back down the corridor, turn left, then take the first door on the left. This leads to the bathroom. Get your melee weapon out of your briefcase in here and wait for the first target to come inside. When he does, kill him and hide his body in the trunk. You could also hide in the trunk, wait for him to begin vomiting, and then drown him for an accidental kill.

Step 3: Robert Burk

Once you’ve hidden Roe’s body, come out of the bathroom and head back to the kitchen door. This time you’re going to go through the door that’s straight ahead and leads outside. Move around the housekeeper and vault over the wall to your right as soon as you’re through the door. This gets you behind the van. Move forward and pick up your tranquilizer gun from the box on the right.

Now circle around and use the low hedge and other objects to come back on yourself without being seen by the NPCs. Next, you need to go down the staircase in front of you and then head left. You must now climb the ladder shortcut up to the bedroom. Be careful here because there’s a housekeeper on the balcony.

Use your sedative to take out the housekeeper. Now you need to wait for the perfect moment to strike inside. Keep an eye out for Burk. He’ll enter and examine the dead body with an entourage of bodyguards. Wait for him to leave, and then wait for the bodyguard in the room to move to the right. When he does, tranquilize him, and then tranquilize the housekeeper on the left-hand side of the room.

Now you must quickly hide the housekeeper’s body in the nearby wardrobe. Then, open the secret door in the bookcase and hide the bodyguard in there. Stay inside and wait for Burk to return. When he does, his bodyguard will come to the wall near the secret door. Open the door and wait for Burk to busy himself with the body.

As soon as Burk starts to examine the body, move out and subdue the bodyguard. This may be easier with a thrown object. Then, use your melee weapon to kill Burk. Leave both bodies and head to the nearest exit. Keep in mind though, that you’ll get more XP for using the boat exit.