Depending on the kind of PC rig that you game on you can achieve some pretty impressive frame rates while gaming; ones that far surpass what consoles currently offer. However, some games are more restrictive when it comes to frame rate capping than others, and that is currently the case with the PC version of Titanfall 2.
However, the developer recently held a Q&A session on their forums regarding the upcoming game, and the issue of frame rate was brought up. The game’s frame rate is currently capped at 144 fps, though some were wondering if this would be increased or if the cap would be removed entirely.
Producer Drew McCoy gave a pretty straightforward answer regarding the issue, saying that they “can investigate slightly higher framerates, but in initial testing we ran in to some issues with incredibly high framerates.” So, those playing the game on PC might be able to get a little higher than 144 fps, but an uncapped frame rate does not look like it’s in the cards.
It was also asked whether or not the developer would go back on not allowing cross-platform play between the console and PC versions, though he said that it will not be supported in the game at this time.
Titanfall 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on October 28th.
- This article was updated on March 8th, 2018
More on Attack of the Fanboy :
Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Higher Titanfall 2 PC Frame Rate Still Possible, Though Initial Tests Weren’t Promising