We’re onto another week, this time we’re looking for hidden gnomes, chests in Lonely Lodge, and search for treasure via a map in Retail Row!

Be sure to finish up your Season 3 Battle Pass Challenges for Week 6!

Fortnite Season 3 Battle Pass Challenges Week 7 Guide

Search Chests in Lonely Lodge

There’s a fair amount of chests in Lonely Lodge, it’s not a great place to land overall but this challenge shouldn’t be too difficult. As always, I recommend waiting a few days for to do this so you aren’t fighting tooth and nail for every chest. Another tip is to go solo in squads mode and hit it up then because it’s a fairly unpopular spot in squads.

Deal damage with Shotguns to opponents

Should be an easy one! Remember to aim the dot and not the cross-hairs when using shotguns. Check out our Fortnite Shotguns Tips Guide to learn a bit more about these very important weapons.

Search a Chest, Ammo Box, & Supply Drop in a single match

This one seems a bit harder than you’d think. While you will usually get a chest and ammo box in just about every game you survive early on, getting a supply drop isn’t always a guarantee.

Search the Hidden Gnome in different Named Locations

It’s time to search for some creepy gnomes! They emanate a laughing sound when you are close to them, so if you hear that in game don’t be alarmed. These are intended to be hidden, so be on the look out for the red/blue coloring from the hat and clothes.

You can check out the map for the gnomes, I’ll be adding some more localized tips below soon.

  • The Loot Lake gnome is below the house on the north side of it. It’s NOT in the alcove below the house that sometimes has a chest. The Shifty Shafts gnome is in the lower area behind some wood scaffolding. The gnome in Dusty Depot is in the blue building (northern most area).

Follow the treasure map found in Retail Row (HARD)

The chest is in Wailing Woods in the bush maze. Look to the south-west side to find the icon and finish this challenge!

Suppressed Weapon Eliminations (HARD)

You only really have two options for this: Suppressed SMG & Pistol. I much prefer the suppressed pistol as it does good damage

Eliminate opponents in Shifty Shafts (HARD)

Shifty can be a bit crazy due to how there’s many levels to the area there are. You’ll obviously want to jump on a gun as quickly as possible and hope to get a few kills that way, you can also land to the south mountain where there’s a couple of possible chest spawn, and there’s also a broken house area further south that where you can land. Get a bit of loot and then head into the shafts!