Her Story became a fairly large indie hit on Steam thanks to excellent reviews and word of mouth from those that played it. The game acts more like an interactive movie than anything else, giving players access to a repository of video clips as they search around and try to sort out the case of a missing man.

With the widespread acclaim, it only made sense to continue the series with a sequel. Sam Barlow, the creator and developer of Her Story, has apparently done just that, teasing fans with the in-development Her Story 2.

“Her Story 2 has a 1-pager. Neat,” wrote Barlow, showing a very blurred out image of what is presumably a summary or design document for Her Story 2. With the original game focusing so much on the mystery surrounding its story, spoilers are a key element to worry about here, which is why Barlow is being so cagey.

He does give more info about the upcoming game though, explaining that it will not tie directly to the original in any way. Instead, Her Story 2 will act as sort of a spiritual successor to the first game, continuing the gameplay and narrative themes, while not tying to the story of Hannah Smith or the missing man.

Her Story 2 doesn’t yet have a release date, but expect it on PC whenever it becomes available.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Her Story 2 Announced, Won’t Tie to Original Game’s Story

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