For every sinister neighbor, there lies a curious backstory. Finally, that story can be brought to life through Steam in the origin chapters of Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek. 

The Hello Neighbor franchise is crammed full of suspenseful worlds filled with cryptic rooms, bizarre puzzles, and, of course, a psychotic neighbor trying to, ahem, get you. Now, this neighbor we speak of never really had a considerable amount of backstory given to him when the original 2017 title launched. Instead, fans of the first game jumped to the conclusion that the dreaded hallway-stalker was simply a psychopath in a sweater. But, with the success of Hello Neighbor, developer Dynamic Pixels looked to delve deeper into the character and craft a playable history that would leave fans thinking twice about the enemy.

Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek adds the missing puzzle pieces to the table and allows players the chance to complete the portrait at last. In these missing pieces, players can submerge into the dark and dismal past of the neighbor and play through the origins of the once-loved family. But, if you’re expecting a friendly simulator, you might want to give this a miss. Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek does a spectacular job of giving players a reason to be anxious as it lays out mind-bending landscapes fit for a straight-jacket.

Dynamic Pixels bring the whole deck of cards to the table, and assures players are left wanting more. And, thanks to the clever mechanics forged by a steady flock of developers, every playthrough is a whole new experience that never feels short of thrills and mysteries.

You can pick up both Hello Neighbor and Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek on Steam here.