Tons of Fixes and Few Changes

Update 16 has arrived for Hell Let Loose, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch.

In this update, Hell Let Loose fixes a ton of bug fixes including the bug that doesn’t let players crouch while performing the crouch sprint animation while holding a pistol. It also fixes the IS-1 cannon having the wrong name on the HUD, and the Quit and Leave Server buttons missing from the game menu when players are in the Killed In Action screen.

The update also brings along with it some gameplay and feature changes that reduce the cost to build Repair Stations and the Bazooka ammo to only 2 rockets.

Here’s everything listed in the Patch Notes:-


  • Greatly reduced the collision size of Tank Shells (Shells should be less likely to explode on objects they should have otherwise passed by eg. shooting between a fence. More precise shots are now possible for Gunners eg. avoiding the turret mantlet and shooting directly into the turret)
  • Added the ability for the Gunner to aim precisely by reducing aim sensitivity using [SHIFT] (Default keybind)
  • Added a ‘Repairs in progress’ HUD indicator when being repaired
  • Adjusted shell projectiles to start from the base of the barrel to prevent shooting through objects
  • Colliding the barrel with an object will now obstruct the gunner’s view preventing the player from seeing through
  • Vehicle components now repair in the following order: Engine > Tracks > Turret > Hull


  • During overtime if the Attackers capturing progress reaches 0% the match will now end.
  • Critical/Downed players no longer block spawns.


  • Reduced the cost to build Repair Stations from 100 to 50
  • Reduced Bazooka ammo to 2 rockets
  • Improved the reliability of VOIP connection and the ability to reconnect using the reconnect feature
  • Holding [F] while bleeding will immediately equip a bandage and begin bandaging
  • Improved the reliability of Deploying weapons on objects


  • Extensive optimization pass on Stalingrad
  • Switched from a fixed streaming pool size to being based on a % of available VRAM across all maps
  • Continuous optimization pass on a large number of in-game assets (Far too many to list)
  • Reduced frame stutter occurring in Kursk and Carentan caused by PhysX


  • Display a vehicle’s component health to the player repairing the vehicle
  • Added a profanity filter to server names
  • Added a “Streamer Mode” which hides player name, garrison locations and server information from all HUD elements
  • FPS is now capped to 60 in the Main Menu to prevent 100% GPU usage
  • Separated Commander abilities from Text Chat (Abilities chat will fade after 20 seconds and can be toggled off in settings)
  • Certain keybinds are now displayed on the HUD while operating vehicles
  • Markers now display a timer on the Tactical Map
  • Aligned the HUD compass to the orientation of the Tactical Map


  • Soviet radio chatter swapped out for a soviet style morse code sound effect
  • Soviet victory theme added to the Main Menu playlist
  • Adjusted ambient audio on SMDM Offensive modes


  • Updated Mosin animations
  • Improved Kar98 bolting animation

Visual Improvements

  • Enabled Screen Space Reflections


  • [Fixed] The player may crash when joining a server


  • [Fixed] Many Kursk Warfare sector names are missing localization
  • [Fixed] The SMDM sector name “Winter’s Landing” is missing localization
  • [Fixed] Multiple instances of text missing localization

Server Administration

  • Improved server stability
  • [Fixed] Punish and Switch Team Now RCON commands do not work if the player is inside a vehicle
  • [Fixed] Sending multiple broadcast messages will cause flashing/starting mid sentence issues
  • [Fixed] Missing HUD keybindings in Admin Camera for Zoom In/Out and Camera Speed Adjustment
  • [Fixed] A long server message containing no character spaces will not scale properly on the deployment screen
  • [Fixed] A server message which has too many spaces at the start of a line will be scaled down to a very small font size
  • [Fixed] When aiming with Admin Camera at a friendly occupied vehicle “No Player Target” message is displayed
  • [Fixed] When aiming with Admin Camera at an enemy occupied vehicle there is no information about the player or vehicle displayed
  • [Fixed] Admin Camera Zoom In/Out functionality is inverted

Bug Fixes

  • [Fixed] Players are unable to deploy an MG on the level 3 German & Russian bunkers
  • [Fixed] The US truck’s glass is bulletproof
  • [Fixed] Tracers have incorrect orientation
  • [Fixed] US Outpost displays the incorrect shine effect
  • [Fixed] Players can bypass the Clan-Tag length limitation
  • [Fixed] Garrisons can be overrun by enemies in the critical state
  • [Fixed] Players in Recon Units on the Defending team in Offensive maps can spawn on Outposts in locked enemy territory, killing them
  • [Fixed] The player who places a constructible ghost receives no points for upgrading it
  • [Fixed] The PTRS-41 will always do carry over damage to the Hull when shooting the Turret of Light Tanks & Recon Vehicles
  • [Fixed] Throwing grenades with poor network conditions can cause the player to become unable to throw that type of grenade
  • [Fixed] Players using non-default fonts in their Steam Profile Name can have invisible names in game
  • [Fixed] A number of situations can cause the Text Chat window to automatically be closed
  • [Fixed] The German Medium tank does not receive damage when shot in the barrel with the Russian Medium tank’s AP shell at a certain area
  • [Fixed] Revive/Healing a teammate UI sometimes does not appear
  • [Fixed] Bullets may land on the ground when firing with pistols whilst toggling off the sprint and shooting
  • [Fixed] PTRS bullet produces no flyby SFX when passing the player
  • [Fixed] Shooting a specific spot behind the Hull MG of the T34 will not damage the Tank
  • [Fixed] Russian Recon Vehicle has Ricochet Functionality Enabled at the back wheels for German’s Light Tank AP rounds
  • [Fixed] Having the default key for “Scoreboard” changed and pressing the key during an text chat will open the Scoreboard
  • [Fixed] Having the default key for “Marking” changed and pressing the key during an open text chat will dismiss the chat window
  • [Fixed] The Commanders name is still visible on the in-game HUD when they leave the server whilst in-game
  • [Fixed] The Soviet Machine Gunner’s shoulders become misshapen when the player has deployed their MG while prone
  • [Fixed] Primary weapon has a vertical position after placing the russian satchel charge
  • [Fixed] The Russian Medic loadouts show a different number of Revive uses
  • [Fixed] Movement keybindings will not function while the map is open if they have been rebound to the arrow keys
  • [Fixed] The SFX slider does not alter the zone capturing gun shot sound effect
  • [Fixed] Incorrect hand animation when going prone holding binoculars
  • [Fixed] German Recon tank fails to take damage from US AT Mine when specific steps are taken.
  • [Fixed] Certain submenus within Options become off-set after entering the Gamepad submenu
  • [Fixed] There is no suppression from AP shells when standing next to the barrel of the heavy German tank 76mm
  • [Fixed] There is no suppression from AP shells when standing next to the barrel of the heavy US tank 76mm
  • [Fixed] Players receives 100 support points for AT gun instead of 50
  • [Fixed] The Field Manual page change sound is not controlled by the UI Volume slider
  • [Fixed] Climbing/Vaulting SFX are not controlled by the SFX Volume slider
  • [Fixed] Artillery muzzle / barrel smoke flickers and appears pixelated after firing
  • [Fixed] Certain DLC cosmetics display text stating they have an unlock level
  • [Fixed] Kursk & Stalingrad Maps are missing from the Field manual
  • [Fixed] The “Increase/Decrease Elevation” prompts in the Artillery Hint are reversed
  • [Fixed] The supply crates in the back of Supply truck have no bullet collision
  • [Fixed] The Engineer role does not gain support experience points when allies resupply their resupply boxes
  • [Fixed] The Player camera dips under the map when pressing spacebar while being revived
  • [Fixed] Selected loadout positions remain highlighted on all roles when clicked on one role
  • [Fixed] The AT Gun Ghost does not have any PFX/SFX when dismantled
  • [Fixed] Overlap issue when switching seats and turning the engine on/off at the same time in a vehicle
  • [Fixed] Missing visual indicator on the HUD that shows the progress and placement of the Small Ammunition box, Medical Supplies box and Explosive Ammo box
  • [Fixed] Inconsistency between the Barricade name when placing/dismantling it
  • [Fixed] When bandaging another player, performing a “Jump” action interrupts the healing but injured player’s heal progress bar does not reset
  • [Fixed] Inconsistency between the names of the Russian Medical Supplies Crate and Explosive Ammo box when an enemy player tries to dismantle the crates
  • [Fixed] The vote kick prompt flashes for a split second after ignoring it
  • [Fixed] Players who join the server while the game is in overtime don’t hear the ticking sound
  • [Fixed] Map hint only shows when closing the map instead of when it is opened
  • [Fixed] The initial welcome message is offset & moves independently when the player first launches the game
  • [Fixed] Dropping the Support Role ‘Supply Crate’ will not count towards the ‘Supplies Delivered’ personal statistic
  • [Fixed] “Proximity to vehicle” hint is not cleared when entering a vehicle
  • [Fixed] Chat box becomes stuck on screen and causes camera issues if open whilst deploying
  • [Fixed] The “Confirm” and “Back” Buttons will remain after clicking on it instead of the “Change Role” Button on the Deploy Screen
  • [Fixed] There is no ‘Quit’ or ‘Leave Server’ button on the end of game screen
  • [Fixed] The “Cancel” and “Change Role” buttons do not function while the player is deploying
  • [Fixed] There is no ‘Quit’ or ‘Leave Server’ button after pressing ESC on the ‘Personal Stats’ menu
  • [Fixed] The Personal Stats button will disappear from the Scoreboard if the player opens the Game Menu
  • [Fixed] The “Quit” and “Leave Server” buttons are missing from the Game Menu when in Killed in Action screen
  • [Fixed] Visually incorrect Loadout for officers if the player deploys and then selects a new loadout without pressing “Back”
  • [Fixed] Personal Stats UI button disappears at the end of a round after the XP and progression screen appears
  • [Fixed] The K98 can have the bolt cycled faster than normal
  • [Fixed] Ammo Depot only reloads GER Light Tank’s shells at a rate of ~1 round per second
  • [Fixed] There is a ripple effect in the scope of the Anti-Tank gun being caused by the smoke PFX when it is fired
  • [Fixed] Movement keybindings will not function while the map is open if they have been rebound to the arrow keys
  • [Fixed] Using Hold Crouch, entering Prone then releasing Crouch causes the player to stand
  • [Fixed] Russian Forward Garrisons, on Offensive maps where they are the defenders, use the US Garrison model
  • [Fixed] Incorrect texture on a sealed packet on the Soviet Garrison model
  • [Fixed] The Airhead may appear to float off the ground after it lands
  • [Fixed] Players are unable to attach Satchel Charges to the turret body of tanks
  • [Fixed] Russian Trucks windows flicker while inside smoke from smoke grenade.
  • [Fixed] Recon vehicle surveillance is only available at <150 meters
  • [Fixed] [TPP] The player does not crouch while performing the Crouch Sprint animation while holding a pistol
  • [Fixed] Artillery reload is cancelled when the gunner leaves their seat.
  • [Fixed] Applying new ‘Video’ setting after previously resetting to default causes newly applied settings to not retain after relaunching the title
  • [Fixed] The US helmet M1 with M44 Goggles has a noticeable LOD at a short-range
  • [Fixed] The US emblem is displayed on the Scoreboard on the Eastern-front maps in the Force Select screen
  • [Fixed] Other Units’ Outpost Icons are not greyed out when waiting to deploy on the Deployment Screen
  • [Fixed] The IS-1 cannon is incorrectly named on the HUD
  • [Fixed] The Options button in the game menu is always highlighted
  • [Fixed] Unselected filter buttons appear to be grayed-out when the user exits a server
  • [Fixed] There is repeated text present in the Barracks/Change Role menu for two US helmets
  • [Fixed] When the timer of the “Killed in Action” screen ends, the buttons on the Options Menu disappear
  • [Fixed] The Confirm button on the Change Role screen does not highlight yellow
  • [Fixed] The player cannot use the text chat temporarily if they begin typing a message during the respawn timer on the You Have Died screen.
  • [Fixed] Sector Resource types are shown on the map key
  • [Fixed] Firing the AT Gun triggers the “Vehicle Out of Ammo” hint
  • [Fixed] Marker Colouring is incorrect
  • [Fixed] Loadout equipment icon won’t remain updated after redeploy
  • [Fixed] Certain buttons disappear if player is pressing right mouse button on another role in ‘Change Role’ menu
  • [Fixed] Applying new ‘Video’ setting after previously resetting to default causes newly applied settings to not retain after relaunching the title
  • [Fixed] Artillery reload is cancelled when the gunner leaves their seat
  • [Fixed] Certain buttons disappear if player is pressing right mouse button on another role in ‘Change Role’ menu
  • [Fixed] Permanent and Temporary Ban prompt messages are displayed in German language
  • [Fixed] Player can clips underneath trucks and takes no vehicular damage from that position
  • [Fixed] The RDG-2 Smoke grenade is thrown as an over-arm throw when thrown under-arm
  • [Fixed] A transition animation is missing when players go from Crouch run to a Normal crouch
  • [Fixed] Marker Colouring is incorrect
  • [Fixed] Player gets locked into a deployment cycle when Garrison becomes overrun
  • [Fixed] The B key still performs melee action after being changed to another key
  • [Fixed] The Artillery Gun has incorrect bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Whilst prone, both frag and smoke grenades will occasionally clip through the terrain when tossed underhand


  • Improvements to multiple asset LoDs
  • [Fixed] Flickering issue present when FX Quality is set to High or Epic and Anti-Aliasing Method is set to FXAA or Disabled
  • [Fixed] Multiple instances of floating and misaligned assets
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Player can get stuck in corner behind chimney
  • [Fixed] Players are able to enter certain closed house assets
  • [Fixed] Some terrain can be seen to change shape when the player enters ADS
  • [Fixed] The Defender’s top Forward Garrison is placed inside a destroyed wall
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player and bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Placeholder texture present on a specific jar asset
  • [Fixed] Multiple misaligned assets
  • [Fixed] Smoke plume VFX in the distance will appear in front of certain Fire VFX
  • [Fixed] Player footsteps can’t be heard inside the 2 storey yellow house
  • [Fixed] Players may fail to deploy when deploying on Russian Mid HQ #3 on Stalingrad Offensive Ger
  • [Fixed] Players spawning in Middle HQ on the Soviet side may spawn ~1m in the air


  • [Fixed] Placeholder textures present on the windows of a green house asset near the German Mid HQ
  • [Fixed] Misaligned texture on a terrain asset
  • [Fixed] Misaligned texture in sector G3
  • [Fixed] The German team’s left Forward Garrison is completely underground

St Marie Du Mont

  • Improvements to multiple asset LoDs
  • [Fixed] A specific house asset with LOD issues
  • [Fixed] Invisible collision present above the Radio Tower structure
  • [Fixed] Multiple instances of floating and misaligned assets
  • [Fixed] Odd ray of sunbeam visible in the sky
  • [Fixed] Defenders are unable to access the entirety of the first initial HQ strongpoints
  • [Fixed] Defenders can push until they reach attackers’ HQ if the first point is not captured
  • [Fixed] Players can access the roof of specific buildings
  • [Fixed] Vehicles have collision issues with multiple assets
  • [Fixed] Bushes throughout the map have a very dark LoD
  • [Fixed] There is a mud bank which has a bullet collision volume which is too tall

Hill 400

  • [Fixed] Rocks don’t trigger footstep or bullet impact VFX and SFX
  • [Fixed] US Transport truck is present on the Mid HQ before capturing the first point, when Top/Bot is the starting HQ
  • [Fixed] Vehicles have collision issues with multiple assets

Omaha Beach

  • [Fixed] Invisible collision present after jumping over a wall
  • [Fixed] Various assets are found floating above ground in Omaha
  • [Fixed] Both the German and US teams Top and Bottom vehicle roster spawns are swapped around
  • [Fixed] There is a table inside a building with the Garrison/Outpost shine effect applied to it


  • [Fixed] Draw Distance issues observed on multiple assets
  • [Fixed] There is a floating bush off of the right side of the map


  • [Fixed] The player doesn’t have collision with a specific tree asset

Known Key Issues

We have identified the following issues and have already applied a fix in the next update:

  • Sniper scope reticles can become misaligned with the scope during certain animations
  • The player hand animation is misaligned whilst adjusting the artillery angle
  • The US Spotter equipped with the “Assault Vest” is identical to the US Support “Assault Vest”

Hell Let Loose is currently available for purchase on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

  • This article was updated on September 14th, 2021

More on Attack of the Fanboy :

Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Hell Let Loose Update 16 Patch Notes

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