The nightmare bleeds into the holiday season with the Winter Helliday update for Hell is Others on Steam. New festive content comes this way for players who enjoy a good bloodthirsty experience in Hell is Others. In addition to the cold content, there are also several patch notes to coincide with the seasonal event. The event only runs from December 22 to January 5, so be sure to log into Hell is Others and grab whatever exclusive goodies you can get before the final day arrives!

Additionally, Steam is hosting a 25% discount for the game until January 5 for $11.24 (originally priced at $14.99). Now is a good time to grab your copy as the Hell is Others winter event goes live.

Hell is Others Winter Helliday Patch Notes

New Enemies

New Devices

This powerful incendiary device is perfect for taking out groups of enemies or creating distractions. It creates a flaming area on impact. If a player passes over the burning puddle, burn damage is inflicted and a burn status continues to do damage over time.

Like the one already implemented but with less health and a slightly lower chasing speed. (reducing the health from 400 to 320 enable the player with the standard gun and a standard projectile to kill the bot with 4 shots instead of 5, making it so that you can kill 2 bots without recharging the weapon

More health. The attack pattern remains the same, but the projectiles can bounce on surfaces.

Disorient and evade your enemies with our new smoke grenade! This versatile device creates a thick cloud of smoke that blocks player vision, providing cover for you to escape or launch surprise attacks.

Defend your territory with the new claymore! This powerful explosive device is activated when enemies cross its laser, delivering a devastating blow. Keep your enemies at bay (or lead them into a deathly trap)!

This powerful weapon traps and slows your enemies, giving you the upper hand in combat or some extra time to run away from danger.

The Bear Trap is a clever and devastating tool for any survivor. Set it up in strategic locations to surprise and capture your enemies, or use it to protect your own territory. With its powerful jaws and sturdy construction, the Bear Trap is a reliable and fearsome ally in the fight for survival.

Last but not least, the Flashbang. This is a well-known device that has the potential to stun enemies. A well-timed flashbang could give you a massive advantage over your enemy. They won’t even know where you came from!

Weapon Durability and Pocket


The pocket is an additional inventory slot that the player has access to, and it is unlocked by default from the start of the game.

The items contained in the pocket are not lost when the player dies, and are not lootable by other players. Less feasting on the carcasses for you, vultures brave entrepreneurs! To balance that, the items in the pocket cannot be equipped, so they do not appear in any selection wheel. When the player fast grabs an item from a container, usual inventory slots have priority for item placement, but if all inventory slots are full, fast grabbing an item puts it in the pocket.


Weapons have a degradation system: the gun you are going to use will lose durability for every bullet you will shoot, based on the specific weapon damage multiplier. Of course, you can keep control of your favorite weapon with a percentage that mirrors the state of the gun. Clearly, when the percentage reaches 0%, it means the weapon is broken, and you can not use it anymore. Obviously, your love for Miss Rosebud will protect her from the weight of time: she can not decay.

While firearms have a degradation per shot, a melee weapon has a degradation per hit: it means that it decays only when hitting enemies, and so if you miss the melee attack, it will not lose durability. When a melee attack hits one enemy, it receives one instance of degradation; a melee attack that hits two or more enemies receives two or more degradation instances, based on the number of enemies hit. Fists do not have durability and cannot break, thanks to your love for, well, yourself, is so great!

As for the weapon’s value, it decreases linearly based on its durability. A weapon’s value is 100% when the durability is at maximum and goes down to x% of the original value when the weapon is broken. It is relevant to notice that broken weapons can still be delivered for quests or sold to the junk dealer!


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from dodging when touching a short obstacle.
  • Fixed the weapon wheel breaking when players had more than 14 weapons in their inventory.

These are quite the extensive patch notes for Hell is Others, but the Winter Helliday event is indeed a huge update. There’s plenty to see and explore in the top-down PVPVE horror game, coupled with special furniture and items to commemorate the season and the end of the year. The official news for these patch notes can be found here, though each section has a dedicated page with more info to check out. Be sure to update your copy of Hell is Others to join in on the winter festivities!