Halo: The Master Chief Collection is almost here for Xbox One, which will allow games to play all four of the classic mainline Halo titles on one disc. However, to get the full Halo experience, you will have to download a major Day One update as soon as you get the game.

It was already revealed that the 45 GB blu-ray disc for Halo: The Master Chief Collection was being used to its fullest, but it still couldn’t contain everything. 343 Industries studio head Dan Ayoub told Video Gamer that the game will have a 20 GB Day One content update.

You will be able to play campaign from the start, but will have to wait for multiplayer and some other features that will come with the content update. This will make the game about a 65 GB download for those buying digital, so make sure you have the space before deciding to go the digital route, as this will take up a good chunk of your hard drive.

The size required by this game isn’t a major surprise, as it is providing us with four full Halo titles. However, it does make you wonder why they didn’t just go the route of putting the game on two discs to avoid this. This could easily cause problems for those with internet connections that are fast enough to play online, but still could take a long time to download 20 GB that might have been banking on going retail only on this one. The saving grace may be that you can pre-load this update as well beyond the game itself if you pre-order the game through the Xbox Games Store.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is set to release exclusively for Xbox One on November 11.

  • This article was updated on March 7th, 2018

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