With there currently being 119 achievements to be unlocked in Halo Infinite, completionists have a sizable list to make their way through. One of the Achievements that is hidden away is called “Greased Lightning,” and it tasks players to complete the Movement Yard in under 25 seconds. While not sounding too difficult, the Yard is found in one of the game’s modes that players might only ever visit once, if at all. This guide will explain how to get the Greased Lightning Achievement in Halo Infinite.

How to Get the Greased Lightning Achievement in Halo Infinite

This achievement is not found in either the campaign or the multiplayer, which is likely the greatest obstacle for players since they simply cannot find where the Movement Yard is referenced in the Greased Lightning description. To find the Movement Yard, you will need to go over to the tutorial, which you will find in the “Academy” tab and will begin when you click “Tutorial.” After the cutscene plays, you will make your way through the facility to pick up your AI companion. Continue to follow the waypoint to an open yard that you are tasked with running through. Don’t worry about your time the first time through, as you cannot get the Greased Lightning Achievement the first time through. Go through, beat the dummies, and get back to the facility where your AI will tell you to head to the Weapon Range. Ignore this and turn around back to the course. Make your way back through the course and jump over the wall pictured below. Enter through the door you came from to start the course, and you will find a pedestal where you can plug your AI companion into restart the course.

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On this new run, you will make your way through the course as normal, slide into the vent and drop down and run through the little underground area until you come out to where you can see the boxes pictured below. Use those to mantle up to the end of the course. From there, sprint to the finish, and hopefully, this route will but you under 25 seconds, and the Greased Lightning Achievement will unlock.

Halo Infinite is available now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.